A sky writer, attempting to send a message to the world from the sky with the trail of exhaust from the plane. Out of the blue (ha ha) a "U" appeared and then then the plane disappeared. Then suddenly a "+" showed up. I was too optimistic, I must say, assuming this was a marriage proposal, a simple random proclamation of love, or at the very least an ad for a pizza joint. But then the letters "G," "O," and (my heart is sinking at this point because I think I know what is coming next......) the "D." And then the "=" and the smiley face. Really dude? Do you not have anything better to do with that fuel? Do you really want "God" to create an accident with all of the gawkers on I95? Did the FAA give you clearance for this shit? Sheesh.
We could only get the "God = :-)" so I am truly sorry if you really needed the "U +" to get the full message. It's not like I took the "Christ" out of Christmas.