Wine/Sake/Food word of the day.....

Wine/Sake/Food word o' the day.....
Bonarda is actually Corvo from northern Italy. It grows very well in Argentina, but it gets mis-understood and mistaken.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Doin' it on South Beach

I don't "party."  In fact I really cringe when people use the word "party" as a verb.  That being said, a few weekends ago, I "partied."  Friday night was a party in DC with my sis and her boyfriend, which usually ends up in silly debauchery around 5am.  I had a 6:30am flight, so needless to say, I might not have gone to bed.  BUT, I did catch my flight.... in time to take a very short nap, unpack, and make it to a 40th birthday party on South Beach.  The Clevelander.  I don't mean to name names for the sake of "dropping" a name, but Conrad is a friend of a friend, and his family knows how to throw a bash.  I was thrilled to prop my eyelashes up with toothpicks to go.....
This is my friend Dave, and the birthday boy's mother....and be honest, I don't look nearly as tired as I felt, do I?

So this was a party complete with open bar, live music down below by the pool, and body airbrush.  You have not really "partied" in South Beach if you haven't been airbrushed...... and so you might conclude that I have not really "partied" in SoBe.  However, I've watched from the outskirts.....

Birthday Cake

Here is the birthday boy himself... in case he forgot who he was - or we did!

Honestly, a party on South Beach can be lots of fun... it all depends on who you are with, and most importantly, if somebody is willing to make themselves more interesting with a little paint..... it will definitely be good entertainment!

Happy 40th, Conrad!

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